Connecting the Dots...

Believing the Truth so that we can know (John 6:69).

7/27/2024 3:31:28 AM

Smartphone App 33id


Your sense of personal identity has everything to do with the way you see the world and the life choices you make. People (young and old) try to gain a sense of acceptance, security and significance by crafting an image, or projecting an identity that increases self-esteem. But identity that is built on status, popularity, star performance, accomplishments, recognition, good looks or the admiration of others is a shaky foundation. So what ultimately defines a person? Our Creator. There is no greater authority on the subject of you than God. Think about it. And when a human being responds to the Good News of Jesus by faith, he or she is declared by God to be a new creation with a new identity (2 Corinthians 5:17). The new identity of a “believer” is defined in numerous ways throughout the writings of the New Testament portion of the Bible. And in every case, God wants his kids to know that they are accepted, secure, significant and unconditionally loved in Christ. For close to 30 years the “Who I am in Christ” identity statements, developed from the Scripture by Freedom in Christ Ministries have been used to help people successfully reformat the way they think about themselves. Maybe you’ve seen the popular bookmarks. But did you know that there is also a special app that breaks down each of these identity statements into simple daily devotionals? It’s called the 33id App. 33 identity statements, 33 days, 33 devos that will help you understand the down low on every follower of Jesus. This app is available for both iOS and Android devices and… it’s totally free. Installation is easy. Just go to and follow the simple directions. To encourage you to use this app, check out this sample from Day #21

Today’s truth:

Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need.   (Hebrews 4:16 ESV)

My true identity: I can find grace and mercy in time of need.

We all need help from time to time. Few things are more humiliating or discouraging than asking for help from an ungracious person. You know, a person who will look down on you. A person who feels the need to criticize and say, “I told you so.”

However, when we feel defeated or we are facing strong temptation, nothing is more encouraging and strengthening than receiving help from a person who is merciful and sympathetic to our needs.

God will never abandon his children. Jesus has promised to always be with his followers. God’s Spirit is as close to you as your next breath. As a matter of fact, he is your breath of life (John 20:21-22).

When you are in need, remember that you are never alone. Turn in your heart to God like a child who confidently reaches for a loving father. As you reach for God, you’ll find that he is already reaching for you with love and grace (James 4:8).